Slovak Ultratrail League is a contest for the Slovak ultra trail races participants. The contest is organized by the SLOVAK ULTRA TRAIL association in cooperation with the organizers of the race events, which are part of the league.

There are three contests in the Slovak Ultratrail League with independent ranking and with women and men categories. Based on the points received the Slovak Ultratrail League ranking is being updated after every race. 


SUT League (main contest):

The objective is to collect points from the ultratrail races, which are part of the Slovak Ultratrail League 2025. The overall ranking reflects 8 races with highest amount of points received. 

Race name Course parameters  Date Participation Points for rank 1
Ľudova 50 51 km / +2600 m 25.01. 300 1050
Letecká stovka 106 km / +3590 m 08.03. 400 1150
ALS Kozí kameň 45 km / +1835 m 22.03. 200 950
Ultra Kras 55 55 km / +2400 m 26.04. 300 1050
Strážovská 50 50 km / +2500 m 10.05. 300 1050
Zázrifská 100 101 km / +3800 m 31.05. 400 1150
Ultramagura 71 71 km / +2550 m 31.05. 300 1050
Ultrapobehaňä 43 43 km / +1450 m 31.05. 200 950
Strečnianska mašľa 51 km / +2810 m 14.06. 300 1050
Malofatranská stovka 107 km / +7300 m 28.06. 500 1250
MF50 56 km / +4400 m 28.06. 300 1050
Nízkotatranská stíhačka 98,5 km / +5640 m 12.07. 400 1150
Ultra Fatra 55 km / +3700 m 26.07. 300 1050
Východniarska 85 km / +4200 m 09.08. 400 1150
Rusínska 100 109 km / +3882 m 23.08. 400 1150
Rusínska 66 73 km / +2748 m 23.08. 300 900
Kokava Trail 78 km / +3330 m 06.09. 300 1050
BBU 100+ 118 km / +6300 m 20.09. 500 1250
BBU 60+ 62 km / +3500 m 20.09. 300 900
Javornícka stovka 105 km / +4030 m 11.10. 400 1150

In case of course parameters change the points in last two columns will be updated.

Small SUT League:

The second contest has the same principles as the main one, but the list of races contains courses from 43 km to 85 km only. The overall ranking reflects 8 races with highest amount of points received.

Race name Course parameters Date Participation Points for rank 1
Ľudova 50 51 km / +2600 m 25.01. 300 1050
ALS Ko zí kameň 45 km / +1835 m 22.03. 200 950
Ultr a Kras 55 55 km / +2400 m 26.04. 300 1050
Strážovská 50 50 km / +2500 m 10.05. 300 1050
Ultramagura 71 71 km / +2550 m 31.05. 300 1050
Ultrapobehaňä 43 43 km / +1450 m 31.05. 200 950
Strečnianska mašľa 51 km / +2810 m 14.06. 300 1050
MF50 56 km / +4400 m 28.06. 300B 1050
Ultra Fatra 55 km / +3700 m 26.07. 300 1050
Východniarska 85 km / +4200 m 09.08. 400 1150
Rusínska 66 73 km / +2748 m 23.08. 300 1050
Kokava Trail 78 km / +3330 m 06.09. 300 1050
BBU 60+ 62 km / +3500 m 20.09. 300 1050
In case of course parameters change the points in last two columns will be updated.

System (SUT League and Small SUT League):

  • The finishers are receiving points based on their result (ranking) in the race and points based on the race course difficultness. 
  • Every participant, who successfully completes a race course within its time limit and with keeping the race regulations, will receive the point for participation. 
  • The ranking points will be received by first 50 finishers (see the details here HERE). In case  one race event has several courses included in the Slovak Ultratrail League, the ranking points are being given only after the last participant in the longer course.
  • 1st place bonus: 150 points, 2nd place bonus: 75 points, 3rd place bonus 38 points (in case  one race event has several courses included in the Slovak Ultratrail League, the bonus points for 1st - 3rd finisher is being granted only for the longest course)
  • In case there are several participants with the same arrival time in finish, the ranking points will be summed up (this regulation is valid also for the rank 1-3) and the result will be subsequently divided by number of the participants who have the same arrival time in finish (this means every finisher in this group will receive the same amount of points).
  • In case of disqualification the participant will receive no points for Slovak Ultratrail League 2025 from the race, where he/she has been disqualified.
  • In case of disqualification due to a serious regulations violation in a race included in Slovak Ultratrail League 2025 the participation points of that race, where he/she has been disqualified, will be subtracted (so the result will be e.g. -500 points). The evaluation of the race regulations violation seriousness is in competency of the race event organizer, where the regulations violation happened. 

Ranking based on participation

The third contest in Slovak Ultratrail League 2025 is based on the number of successfully finished races with taking its course difficultness into account. The points in this ranking come from the summation of the Participation points from the finished races. Finishing the race with a dog / with dogs, where the participation with a dog / with dogs is allowed by the race organizer, brings also points to this contest. 

Race name Course parameters Date Participation points
Ľudova 50 51 km / +2600 m 25.01. 77
Letecká stovka 106 km / +3590 m 08.03. 141,9
ALS Kozí kameň 45 km / +1835 m 22.03. 63,35
Ultra Kras 55 55 km / +2400 m 26.04. 79
Strážovská 50 50 km / +2500 m 10.05. 75
Zázrifská 100 101 km / +3800 m 31.05. 139
Ultramagura 71 71 km / +2550 m 31.05. 96,5
Ultrapobehaňä 43 43 km / +1450 m 31.05. 57,5
Strečnianska mašľa 51 km / +2810 m 14.06. 79,1
Malofatranská stovka 107 km / +7300 m 28.06. 180
MF50 56 km / +4400 m 28.06. 100
Nízkotatranská stíhačka 98,5 km / 5740 m 12.07. 155,9
Ultra Fatra 55 km / +3700 m 26.07. 92
Východniarska 85 km / +4200 m 09.08. 127
Rusínska 100 109 km / +3882 m 23.08. 147,82
Rusínska 66 73 km / +2748 m 23.08. 100,48
Kokava Trail 78 km / +3450 m 06.09. 111,3
Big Bear's Ultra BBU 100+ 118 km / +6300 m 20.09. 181
Big Bear's Ultra BBU 60+ 62 km / +3500 m 20.09. 97
Javornícka stovka 105 km / +4030 m 11.10. 145,3

In case of course parameters change the points in last column will be updated.

System (Ranking based on participation):

  • The finishers
  • Total distance in km+total elevation gain in meters/100

All your questions related to Slovak Ultratrail League can be addressed via e-mail to

Názov podujatia Parametre trasy Dátum Body za účasť Body za 1. miesto
Ľudova 50 51 km / +2600 m 28.01. 300 1050
Letecká stovka 105 km / +3300 m 11.03. 400 1150
ALS BEH Kozí kameň 45 km / +1800 m 25.03. 200 950
Strážovská 50 50 km / +2500 m 13.05. 300 1050
Ultramagura 71 71 km / +2850 m 03.06. 300 1050
Ultrapobehaňä 43 43 km / +1650 m 03.06. 200 800
Strečnianska mašľa 50 km / +2985 m 17.06. 300 1050
Malofatranská stovka 107 km / +6580 m 01.07. 500 1250
MF50 56 km / +3910 m 01.07. 300 1050
Nízkotatranská stíhačka 98,5 km / +5640 m 15.07. 400 1150
Ultra Fatra 55 km / +3700 m 29.07. 300 1050
Východniarska stovka 105 km / +5610 m 05.08. 500 1250
Východniarska 50 58 km / +2500 m 05.08. 300 1050
Rusínska 100 110 km / +4230 m 26.08. 400 1150
Rusínska 66 73 km / +2595 m 26.08. 300 900
Hriňovská stovka 114 km / +4800 m 09.09. 500 1250
BBU 100+ 118 km / +6300 m 23.09. 500 1250
BBU 60+ 62 km / +3500 m 23.09. 300 900
Javornícka stovka 106 km / +4030 m 07.10. 400 1150


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